Get up and running in minutes
Get up and running in minutes

to use
to use


Runs on
Runs on

Data Backup
Data Backup
Collect, track and manage customer debts.
Collect, track and manage customer debts.
Forget pens, paper, and calculators, and take advantage of the features of Konnash.
Forget pens, paper, and calculators, and take advantage of the features of Konnash.

Share reminders via SMS or WhatsApp.
Share reminders via SMS or WhatsApp.
Send reminders via SMS or Whatsapp through the application, strengthen the bond of trust with customers and speed up debt payment.
Send reminders via SMS or Whatsapp through the application, strengthen the bond of trust with customers and speed up debt payment.
Free Automatic
Data Backup.
Free Automatic
Data Backup.
Your notebook and its information are very valuable. Backing up both online and local data on your phone guarantees 100% security.
Your notebook and its information are very valuable. Backing up both online and local data on your phone guarantees 100% security.

Get your PDF reports instantly.
Get your PDF reports instantly.
Automatically generate periodic reports for debt collection. No more losing money due to errors or misunderstandings. Enjoy life!
Automatically generate periodic reports for debt collection. No more losing money due to errors or misunderstandings. Enjoy life!
Get up and running in minutes
Get up and running in minutes

Retail Businesses

Wholesalers & Distributors
& Distributors

Repairs & Services
& Services

You want to build your products catalog and track sales & inventory?
You want to build your products catalog and track sales & inventory?
Run your offline store with Mahaal app, set up your points of sale and manage your business wherever you are.
Run your offline store with Mahaal app, set up your points of sale and manage your business wherever you are.

Discover all our applications and develop your business.
Discover all our applications and develop your business.

Merchants thoughts about us.
Merchants thoughts about us.
+90 000 reviews on Google Play Store
+90 000 reviews on Google Play Store

The full solution
This app saves your data from being breached. Using the phone number, the users can reopen their accounts and recover all of their data. May God bless you.
This app saves your data from being breached. Using the phone number, the users can reopen their accounts and recover all of their data. May God bless you.
Easy application
Easy application
Thanks to this handy and simple app, I was able to control all of my business-related accounts with my clients.
Thanks to this handy and simple app, I was able to control all of my business-related accounts with my clients.
Clarity & transparency
Clarity & transparency
My clients appreciate this app because it creates transparency on their commercial transactions.
My clients appreciate this app because it creates transparency on their commercial transactions.